Parent fashion brand ANN Inc owns three sub brands, Ann Taylor, LOFT, and Lou & Grey whose individual identities were not clear to potential employee candidates. We were asked to create a career site that unified all 3 brands while retaining the integrity of each identity.
Career sites were created for Ann Taylor, LOFT, and Lou & Grey that introduced each brand story and sparked curiosity from potential candidates. We created content that gave a glimpse into what it's like to be an employee and intern for each sub brand, shared benefits, style philosophies, and supported programs that empower women. These responsive sites are updated seasonally.
Roles and responsibilities
• Sr art director • UX designer • Strategist
Strategized with client leadership team to understand the soul of each personality of the brands ensuring the photography, visual expressions, and language was congruent with their branding. Also directed employee photoshoots as these images were used for internal and recruitment purposes.