The Sacred Space Meetup
When: 2nd Monday of every month
Time: 6:30-10pm
Free to join: suggested donation $33 (cash or Venmo @feastoncolors)
Location: Cambria, CA. *location will be disclosed after registration
A monthly gathering for the spiritual and cosmic community who share the inner knowing that there is more on Earth beyond what we see with our physical eyes. The intention of this container is to create a safe space that is non-judgemental and supports the expansion, connection between heart, mind and spirit.
Topics of discussion may include:
starseeds, channeling, light language and activations, dragons, elementals, Egypt, past lives, akashic records, archangels, light and dark, sacred geometry, 5D, psychic abilities, energy, vibration and frequency, portals and more.
We offer a container where you can:
receive support
share experiences
receive answers
learn techniques and tools
share resources
Reiki and sound healing will be offered at the end. Bring your yoga mat or blanket.
*Please note that these meetups may continue beyond 9pm.
Thank you!

Past events
Spring Equinox sound bath & meditation.
The Spring Equinox marks the beginning of the spring season representing the new energies of light, new life, and new beginnings. Elaine-RA who will lead you into clearing out the old stagnant energy of the winter months and welcome in the new energies to support your seeds of desire this year.
Meditation, breathwork, sacred writing and a reiki infused soundbath to support the releasing of any heaviness we may feel in our heart space. All to make room, to make space and feel more of ourselves again.
Heart Flame Healing meditation and soundbath. Come join us for this special collaborative evening of focused healing for the heart and cellular body hosted by energy healers Karin Inana and Elaine-RA.
This New Moon Series invites new beginnings. Working with the energies of the new moon, allow your heart's desires to come through. These sacred alchemy sound frequencies are intended to assist you in welcoming new opportunities, confidence to overcome challenges and bring in creativity to help you focus and manifest your desires during the month.
This Full Moon Series with the energies of the full moon, allow yourself to be immersed in the sacred alchemy sound frequencies intended to assist you in letting go of what does not serve you. These frequencies move blocked energies and sweep energetic debris out of the system to support letting go of problems, unwanted behaviors and patterns that we unconsciouslv hold onto.
This Bedtime Series allows your body to be immersed in the soothing, calm vibrations of the crystal alchemy sound bowls. These frequencies are intended to release the stress and tension that your cells hold onto. This is a sacred container of returning and remembering your most peaceful and calm self.
Come back to equilibrium as you are guided on a journey to Lemuria and Atlantis to call back your powers from these lifetimes. Changes are happening quickly. Chose to step into the new season rebalanced to the energies and empowered within.
The lion's gate portal opens every year on August 8 when the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, Orion's Belt, and the Earth all line up. This creates a portal of energy that greatly supports manifestation through the releasing of what we hold onto that prevents us from moving forward into creation. The planetary alignment illuminates the darkest parts of us while the energy of Leo gives us the courage to face them.
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