“As most people unfamiliar with Reiki or those special healing practices might be, I was a bit skeptical on how my initial sessions would turn out to be like. However, in these first few months I started with her my life has change dramatically for the better. From inner peace to family, financial and career growth — the results have been nothing but exhilarating. If you are willing to experiment this territory, I highly recommend doing so with Elaine. Her way of working guarantees a calm way of feeling safe while navigating these unchartered territories.”
– F. Delatorre-Rocha
“Elaine is a powerful reiki and holistic healer. While participating in several sessions, I experienced insightful and incredible experiences. Each session was different but also built on each other, come in with an honest intention, and you'll discover not what you want but what you need. Entrusting someone where you can be vulnerable is extremely important, and through our program, I never felt I was unable to reach or communicate my experiences with Elaine, it's important you find someone like that, and she one hundred provides that safety, care, and love.”
- Rich Manriquez
“I was given the opportunity to work with Elaine-RA and my experience was truly a blessing.
After weeks of complete nervous system overload, I was unable to eat properly, think clearly, or simply sleep at night. I was able to schedule a 30 minute interdimensional healing session with her that changed everything.
Her calm and grounding energy made it effortless to let go of my worries and melt back into my body. As she worked and energy was flowing through me it felt as if layers of weeds were being removed and untangled from my bodies sacred garden. Afterwards, she spoke of the messages she channeled and the journey our souls went on. Everything noted resonated with me and even more clarity integrated for days afterwards. I felt light, clear, and in harmony with the universe. So thankful to have been able to experience this magical session from Elaine and it is something I deeply look forward to receiving again.”
Thank you again for everything,
- Raely
“I recently consulted with Elaine-RA for an energy healing session. I wanted to understand why I was having difficulty clearing a persistent allergy in my ears (which had developed from the use of earbuds). I had heard that Elaine was skilled at pinpointing problem areas within her clients' bodies, even visually seeing which parts needed healing and alignment. Elaine was able to provide insight on my ear allergy and advised me on self-care rituals I could employ to assist in the healing process once our session was over. But beyond that, she also sensed that I was experiencing pain and numbness in other parts of my body that I did not think to mention before our session. She sensed the root of this pain, and carefully explained how it was all connected. She very intuitively guided her healing to the areas that needed it and at the end of the session, provided a detailed explanation and debrief. She also shared lots of helpful advice on several things I could do to actively help in my own healing. Elaine is very intuitive and was gentle, caring, and thoughtful. Thank you so much, Elaine-RA, for this healing session! I have gone back to my notes to remind myself of the things I can do to continue on my healing journey. You are a wonderful healer who can help so many, and I appreciate your gifts and guidance!”
– Carla
“I had the pleasure of receiving an energy healing from Elaine. As an energy worker myself, I am happy to attest that Elaine is excellent at what she does and you can liken her to a medical intuitive.
We did a virtual distance healing and I felt waves of warm energy coming in through my crown chakra and enveloping me. During the treatment, I felt deeply relaxed and was able to completely tune inward.
Afterwards during our debrief, she shared so many visions and insights. She is very clairovoyant and also has the keen intuitive ability to see internally within the body such as organs and physical imbalances. Lastly, she also shared important priorities to work on in terms of my overall holidtic health. It was a wonderful experience and I highly recommend experiencing her magical healing.”
– Queenie, reikiandflowhealing.com
For a long time I was stuck in a hard place. When I started reiki and worked with Elaine, it was an amazing experience. Not only did it help me on my journey, but it healed my body and mind. Elaine is a great person to talk to when it comes to personal problems and physical injuries. She always knows how to heal me and support me. Knowing that I have someone like Elaine is the best thing to have. I definitely recommend working with her when it comes to healing or counseling!
- Eva
“I recently was guided to Elaine by another spiritual healer, Queenie. I began my spiritual journey at the age of five, but it wasn’t until last year that my third eye opened and I began to evolve. I truly didn’t understand what all that meant and there were times where I was so afraid because I didn’t understand what was happening to me or what the extent of my spiritual powers actually were. As I began to search for help, healers began to enter my life and I was opened up to my new world. The veil had lifted and I began to see who I truly was. Along this journey, each healer has guided me and elevated me to the next level and helping me to continue to raise my vibration, heal my traumas, find peace and learn to love myself for the first time in my life.
Elaine and I immediately connected and we both knew we were meant to be on this journey together. She revealed things that were buried so deep I didn’t even know existed. She gave me guidance on releasing things from my past that gave me instant results. Her guidance has helped me immensely. She is a Godsend with beautiful powers. This is such a magical community to be involved in when spiritual healers will refer you to other healers that can help with things that they are more specialized in. I know that Elaine and I each have a special purpose in this life to help others and that we will forever be connected!”
– Linda